Our Approach

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Fiduciary Perspective

Bull Moose Retirement Planing Co. is a fee-based advisor who values alignment of interests with our client families above all else.

Retirement Focus

As you enter this new phase of life, so too must your financial strategy. It's a different arena with a whole new set of challenges, opportunities and rules; and we have the home team advantage.



Investment Planning

In a well-built portfolio, every investment should have a specific purpose and be suitable for your unique situation. That’s why we get to know you on a personal level; so that we can then choose the products that will best fit your retirement needs. 


Asset Protection

Typically, the number one concern for our clients is outliving their savings by being exposed to skyrocketing long-term care costs or losing income from the unexpected death of a spouse. We explore strategies that can help protect your life savings during crises such as these.


Estate Planning

"Control" is the key-word when it comes to estate planning. Who are the people you want to get all of your belongings when you die? What do you want each person to get? When do you want them to get it?  Bottom line: You can control “someday” by planning today. 


Retirement Income Planning

We draw up sensible scenarios of what you’d like to be withdrawing from your savings once you retire. As circumstances change for you, we calibrate distributions to help you enjoy the things you want to in life.


Tax Strategy

There are three ways to invest: Taxable, Tax Deferred, and Tax Free. Most retirement accounts are tax deferred and usually not a penny in the account has ever been taxed.  Eventually, one way or another Uncle Sam will get his cut, and without proper planning, your heirs may subject to a ticking tax time-bomb. 


401(k) Management

Did you know that many employees can add professional money management to their employer-sponsored retirement plan or rollover IRA?

Active management can take your retirement plan from a static or neglected investment to a dynamic asset being managed at the core of your portfolio.